Day 1: Introduction to AWS

Day 1: Introduction to AWS


Welcome to Day 1 of your AWS journey!

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, today is about laying the groundwork for success. Fear not, as we'll guide you through each step, ensuring a strong foundation. Embrace this opportunity to grow your skills and understanding of AWS.

Let's embark together on this exciting adventure!

What is cloud?

"cloud" in computing refers to using remote servers accessed over the internet to store, manage, and process data, instead of relying solely on local servers or personal computers.

For example, services like Google Drive and Dropbox store your files in the cloud, allowing you to access them from any device with an internet connection.

Difference between Private and Public cloud

Private cloudPublic cloud
Ownership & AccessibilityAccessible only to the organization or authorized users within the organization.Accessible to the general public or subscribers over the internet.
Deployment ModelProvides dedicated resources and greater control over security and customization, suitable for organizations with specific compliance or security requirements.Offers shared resources on a pay-as-you-go basis, providing scalability and cost-efficiency, ideal for businesses of all sizes seeking flexibility and scalability without managing infrastructure.
ExampleCompany X's Data CenterAmazon Web Services (AWS)

Types of cloud

There are mainly three types of clouds:

  1. Public Cloud

  2. Private Cloud

  3. Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud:

  • Computing services provided by third-party vendors via the internet, accessible to anyone.

  • Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform.

Private Cloud:

  • Computing resources dedicated to a single organization, offering greater control and customization.

  • Example: Company X's on-premises data center or a private cloud hosted by a third-party provider exclusively for Company X.

Hybrid Cloud:

  • Combination of public and private cloud services, enabling data and applications to be shared between them.

  • Example: Company Y stores sensitive data in a private cloud for security compliance while using public cloud services like AWS for scalable computing resources.

Importance & Why Aws?

  • Global Infrastructure: AWS operates in multiple regions worldwide, ensuring high availability and low latency for services.

  • Scalability: Provides on-demand access to computing resources, allowing businesses to scale up or down based on demand.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model, eliminating the need for upfront investment in hardware.

  • Reliability and Security: Offers advanced security features, compliance certifications, and data encryption options.

  • Broad Service Portfolio: AWS provides a wide range of services including storage (Amazon S3), databases (Amazon RDS), machine learning (Amazon Sage Maker), analytics (Amazon Athena), and more.

Conclusion and Upcoming Day Info

In conclusion, Day 1 has been a pivotal step in our AWS journey, laying the groundwork for understanding the core concepts of cloud computing and the different types of clouds, particularly focusing on the importance and prominence of AWS in the cloud landscape.

As we delve deeper into this exploration, we'll uncover more about AWS services, practical applications, and advanced techniques to leverage its full potential.

Stay tuned for an immersive learning experience as we continue our journey into the world of AWS!